Be drunk with something, always!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

There was a time when I maintained a half-descent blog. I still like to read some. It was good to see an old friend return to his writing ways. That he did a long time ago, but it was tonight that I realized this, (although now I remember him mumbling something like that to me over the phone a few weeks back) following this link and that until I bumped into him.
Then there is a dear friend abroad who has taken up blogging of late and makes good of it. And ofcourse there is one other who I have followed religiously (no prizes for guessing WHO!). Many of my friends wish that I'd keep blogging. For among close friends I was better off than most, what with working from my hometown and living with my parents. Little-or-no-worry lifestyle they'd say.

The truth is my blogging is like my behaviour - abrupt. Bold! Maybe sometimes, but mostly abrupt.


Sayan said...

Please try to post a bit more regularly :-)

Unknown said...

Ginny Weasley & Love Potion - always a deadly combo :P