Be drunk with something, always!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Review: Clash of the Titans 2010

Clash of the Titans is a disappointment. The movie had a great story-line; an improvised version of the actual tale of the Greek hero Perseus. The journey of the brave soldiers of Argos lead by young Perseus to save the Greek city of Argos, is a fascinating read. But the movie fails to leave any mark, thanks to some very poor screenplay, cliched dialogues, and a disaster climactic battle (no battle at all). The stellar cast is no help. Goes to show that big names do not make a big movie. This Avatar guy fails to impress. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes cannot do enough to salvage anything out of the general wreck. Only plus, Gemma Arterton (remember the oil-painted girl from Quantum of Solace?) looks ravishing, so much so that you don't mind her being brought back from the dead. She is clearly out of little Sam's league as the couple don't ever kiss. Visuable effects are good but do not inspire awe.

Now I feel like I should go watch the MGM version of 1981.

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