Be drunk with something, always!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Tap your feet on the ground,
Dance to the tune I set for you,
The mood is set, the Heaven’s blaze;
‘Tis a starry Night,
……Dance in its afterglow.

Plateful of ambrosia, playful temptress,
Water spills, and rum flows,
Aphrodite’s forces descend upon you;
Submit you must, no way out
The music’s too strong, too mellow.

Dance till your head swirls,
Your legs go numb,
Sing your heart out;
This moment, this tide, they belong,
Take them…..they’re yours.

Dream along, stark awake,
For ‘tis still night,
And you love your dream;
Your own sketched Phantasmagoria,
……Dance in its afterglow.

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